OpenFOAM 是如何从焓得到温度的
在 solver 中,求解完 h(单位是 J/Kg)的方程之后,调用 thermo.correct();
该函数位于 hePsiThermo.C的 correct()
函数中,调用了 calculate()
const scalarField& hCells = this->he_; const scalarField& pCells = this->p_; scalarField& TCells = this->T_.primitiveFieldRef();
TCells[celli] = mixture_.THE ( hCells[celli], pCells[celli], TCells[celli] );
函数在 thermoI.H
inline Foam::scalar Foam::species::thermo<Thermo, Type>::THE ( const scalar he, const scalar p, const scalar T0 ) const { return Type<thermo<Thermo, Type>>::THE(*this, he, p, T0); }
THE(*this, he, p, T0)
函数在 sensibleEnthalpy.H
scalar THE ( const Thermo& thermo, const scalar h, const scalar p, const scalar T0 ) const { return thermo.THs(h, p, T0); }
THs(h, p, T0)
函数在 thermoI.H
inline Foam::scalar Foam::species::thermo<Thermo, Type>::THs ( const scalar hs, const scalar p, const scalar T0 ) const { return T ( hs, p, T0, &thermo<Thermo, Type>::Hs, &thermo<Thermo, Type>::Cp, &thermo<Thermo, Type>::limit ); }
T(···) 函数在 thermoI.H
inline Foam::scalar Foam::species::thermo<Thermo, Type>::T ( scalar f, scalar p, scalar T0, scalar (thermo<Thermo, Type>::*F)(const scalar, const scalar) const, scalar (thermo<Thermo, Type>::*dFdT)(const scalar, const scalar) const, scalar (thermo<Thermo, Type>::*limit)(const scalar) const ) const { if (T0 < 0) { FatalErrorInFunction << "Negative initial temperature T0: " << T0 << abort(FatalError); } scalar Test = T0; scalar Tnew = T0; scalar Ttol = T0*tol_; int iter = 0; do { Test = Tnew; Tnew = (this->*limit) (Test - ((this->*F)(p, Test) - f)/(this->*dFdT)(p, Test)); if (iter++ > maxIter_) { FatalErrorInFunction << "Maximum number of iterations exceeded: " << maxIter_ << abort(FatalError); } } while (mag(Tnew - Test) > Ttol); return Tnew; }
上边的 F 是 Hs 函数(单位是 J/Kg),dFdT 是 Cp 函数,f 是输运方程求解得到的每个网格的 hs(单位是 J/Kg),Test 是 Told。
为了通过焓求温度,利用牛顿迭代法求解 Hs(p_old,T) - hs =0 ,令 f(x) = Hs(p_old,T) - hs,则:
T_new = T_old - [ Hs(p_old,T_old) - hs(输运方程得到的)]/Cp(p_old,T_old)
由 Ha 求 T 呢?也是
T_new = T_old - [ Ha(p_old,T_old) - ha(输运方程得到的)]/Cp(p_old,T_old)
上边用到了 Hs(p,T)
和 Cp(p,T)
函数,位于 janafThermoI.H
inline Foam::scalar Foam::janafThermo<EquationOfState>::Ha ( const scalar p, const scalar T ) const { const coeffArray& a = coeffs(T); return ( ((((a[4]/5.0*T + a[3]/4.0)*T + a[2]/3.0)*T + a[1]/2.0)*T + a[0])*T + a[5] ) + EquationOfState::H(p, T); }
inline Foam::scalar Foam::janafThermo<EquationOfState>::Hs ( const scalar p, const scalar T ) const { return Ha(p, T) - Hc(); }
inline Foam::scalar Foam::janafThermo<EquationOfState>::Hc() const { const coeffArray& a = lowCpCoeffs_; return ( ( (((a[4]/5.0*Tstd + a[3]/4.0)*Tstd + a[2]/3.0)*Tstd + a[1]/2.0)*Tstd + a[0] )*Tstd + a[5] ); }
inline Foam::scalar Foam::janafThermo<EquationOfState>::Cp ( const scalar p, const scalar T ) const { const coeffArray& a = coeffs(T); return ((((a[4]*T + a[3])*T + a[2])*T + a[1])*T + a[0]) + EquationOfState::Cp(p, T); }
其中 EquationOfState::H(p, T)
EquationOfState::Cp(p, T)
来自EOS,比如: [perfectGas( 中这两个函数都返回 0。
上边 [janafThermoI.H]( 还用到了机理 therm.dat 文件的系数,但是是经过转换的系数:
```c++ inline const typename Foam::janafThermo<EquationOfState>::coeffArray& Foam::janafThermo<EquationOfState>::coeffs ( const scalar T ) const { if (T < Tcommon_) { return lowCpCoeffs_; } else { return highCpCoeffs_; } }
for (label coefLabel=0; coefLabel<nCoeffs_; coefLabel++) { highCpCoeffs_[coefLabel] *= this->R(); lowCpCoeffs_[coefLabel] *= this->R(); }
意思就是,系数从 therm.dat 读取进来,先乘一个 R(), 再拿来使用的。
还有一个 HE 函数,忘了有什么用了。。。位于 sensibleEnthalpy.H
scalar HE ( const Thermo& thermo, const scalar p, const scalar T ) const { return thermo.Hs(p, T); }
另外 thermoI.H 中:
inline Foam::scalar Foam::species::thermo<Thermo, Type>::HE(const scalar p, const scalar T) const { return Type<thermo<Thermo, Type>>::HE(*this, p, T); } inline Foam::scalar Foam::species::thermo<Thermo, Type>::he(const scalar p, const scalar T) const { return this->HE(p, T)*this->W(); }
可能是一般调用的是抽象出来的 HE(p,T) 或 he(p,T)
函数,最终实际调用的是 Hs(p, T) 或 Es 或 Ha 或 Ea(根据能量形式自动选择)。
小写单位是 [J/kmol],大写单位是 [J/kg]。输运方程中求解的量也是 [J/kg]。