分析 OpenFOAM-dev 中的燃烧化学相关类,个人理解有限,希望帮我指正错误!
OF-7 UML 类图首先给出 UML 图,右键在新标签页中打开链接,可以获得更好的阅读体验。
OF-7 UML Reaction 疑问:
机理文件怎么读取的? Reaction
template <class ThermoType >Foam::reactingMixture<ThermoType>::reactingMixture ( const dictionary& thermoDict, const fvMesh& mesh, const word& phaseName ) : speciesTable (), autoPtr<chemistryReader<ThermoType>> ( chemistryReader<ThermoType>::New (thermoDict, *this ) ), multiComponentMixture <ThermoType> ( thermoDict, *this , autoPtr<chemistryReader<ThermoType>>::operator ()().speciesThermo (), mesh, phaseName ), PtrList<Reaction<ThermoType>> ( autoPtr<chemistryReader<ThermoType>>::operator ()().reactions () ), speciesComposition_ ( autoPtr<chemistryReader<ThermoType>>::operator ()().specieComposition () ) { autoPtr<chemistryReader<ThermoType>>::clear (); }
调用 speciesTable
的默认构造函数,它来自 basicMultiComponentMixture::species_
调用 chemistryReader
的 selector,按照字典构造用户想要的对象(默认是 chemkinReader
)。 比如调用 chemkinReader
Foam::chemkinReader::chemkinReader ( const dictionary& thermoDict, speciesTable& species ) : lineNo_ (1 ), specieNames_ (10 ), speciesTable_ (species), reactions_ (speciesTable_, speciesThermo_), newFormat_ (thermoDict.lookupOrDefault ("newFormat" , false )), imbalanceTol_ (thermoDict.lookupOrDefault ("imbalanceTolerance" , rootSmall)) { fileName chemkinFile (fileName(thermoDict.lookup("CHEMKINFile" )).expand()) ; fileName thermoFile = fileName::null; if (thermoDict.found ("CHEMKINThermoFile" )) { thermoFile = fileName (thermoDict.lookup ("CHEMKINThermoFile" )).expand (); } fileName transportFile ( fileName(thermoDict.lookup("CHEMKINTransportFile" )).expand() ) ; read (chemkinFile, thermoFile, transportFile); }
主要是 read
Click to expand! void Foam::chemkinReader::read(const fileName& CHEMKINFileName, const fileName& thermoFileName, const fileName& transportFileName) { Reaction<gasHThermoPhysics>::TlowDefault = 0; Reaction<gasHThermoPhysics>::ThighDefault = great; transportDict_.read(IFstream(transportFileName)()); if (thermoFileName != fileName::null) { std::ifstream thermoStream(thermoFileName.c_str()); if (!thermoStream) { FatalErrorInFunction << "file " << thermoFileName << " not found" << exit(FatalError); } yy_buffer_state* bufferPtr(yy_create_buffer(&thermoStream, yyBufSize)); yy_switch_to_buffer(bufferPtr); while (lex() != 0) {} yy_delete_buffer(bufferPtr); lineNo_ = 1; } std::ifstream CHEMKINStream(CHEMKINFileName.c_str()); yy_buffer_state* bufferPtr(yy_create_buffer(&CHEMKINStream, yyBufSize)); yy_switch_to_buffer(bufferPtr); // 在这里通过关键字将反应分类 initReactionKeywordTable(); // 然后 lex 处理时根据关键字来读取不同类别的反应 // 根据中间符号来判断可逆与不可逆 // reversibleReactionDelimiter {space}("="|"<=>"){space} // irreversibleReactionDelimiter {space}"=>"{space} /* enum reactionType { irreversible, reversible, nonEquilibriumReversible, unknownReactionType }; const char* Foam::chemkinReader::reactionTypeNames[4] = { "irreversible", "reversible", "nonEquilibriumReversible", "unknownReactionType" }; enum reactionRateType { Arrhenius, thirdBodyArrhenius, unimolecularFallOff, chemicallyActivatedBimolecular, LandauTeller, Janev, powerSeries, unknownReactionRateType }; const char* Foam::chemkinReader::reactionRateTypeNames[8] = { "Arrhenius", "thirdBodyArrhenius", "unimolecularFallOff", "chemicallyActivatedBimolecular", "LandauTeller", "Janev", "powerSeries", "unknownReactionRateType" }; enum fallOffFunctionType { Lindemann, Troe, SRI, unknownFallOffFunctionType }; const char* Foam::chemkinReader::fallOffFunctionNames[4] = { "Lindemann", "Troe", "SRI", "unknownFallOffFunctionType" }; */ /* reactionKeywordTable_.insert("M", thirdBodyReactionType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("LOW", unimolecularFallOffReactionType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert ( "HIGH", chemicallyActivatedBimolecularReactionType ); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("TROE", TroeReactionType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("SRI", SRIReactionType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("LT", LandauTellerReactionType); // -->LandauTeller reactionKeywordTable_.insert("RLT", reverseLandauTellerReactionType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("JAN", JanevReactionType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("FIT1", powerSeriesReactionRateType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("HV", radiationActivatedReactionType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("TDEP", speciesTempReactionType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("EXCI", energyLossReactionType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("MOME", plasmaMomentumTransfer); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("XSMI", collisionCrossSection); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("REV", nonEquilibriumReversibleReactionType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("DUPLICATE", duplicateReactionType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("DUP", duplicateReactionType); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("FORD", speciesOrderForward); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("RORD", speciesOrderReverse); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("UNITS", UnitsOfReaction); reactionKeywordTable_.insert("END", end); */ }
举例看看 chemkinLexer 中发生了什么: (我们在这里说明的时候,下标都是从0开始的)
Click to expand! // Read species if (!specieIndices_.found(specieName)) { specieNames_.append(specieName); specieIndices_.insert(specieName, currentSpecieIndex++); } // Read thermo // 猜测是从第[10]个字符开始读,长度是10个字符 allCommonT = stringToScalar(temperaturesString(10, 10)); // 第一个空格之前的字符,当做组分名字,长度限制:18 // thermoSpecieName .{18} size_t spacePos = specieString.find(' '); if (spacePos != string::npos) { currentSpecieName = specieString(0, spacePos); } else { currentSpecieName = specieString; } // 接下来6个字符随便写什么,会被忽略:[18]-[23] // [24]-[43] 列给出组分原子及其原子组成数 // thermoFormula .{20} // 这 20 列均分为每 5 列一段,共四段 // 每段又分为 1 个两列和 1 个三列,分别用来写原子名和原子数 nSpecieElements = 0; currentSpecieComposition.setSize(5); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { word elementName(foamName(thermoFormula(5*i, 2))); label nAtoms = atoi(thermoFormula(5*i + 2, 3).c_str()); if (elementName.size() && nAtoms) { correctElementName(elementName); currentSpecieComposition[nSpecieElements].name() = elementName; currentSpecieComposition[nSpecieElements++].nAtoms() = nAtoms; } } //第 [44] 列上用(G 、S、 L)指定组分相态 char phaseChar = YYText()[0]; // 这里应该是表示继续往前读一列 switch (phaseChar) { case 'S': speciePhase_.insert(currentSpecieName, solid); break; case 'L': speciePhase_.insert(currentSpecieName, liquid); break; case 'G': speciePhase_.insert(currentSpecieName, gas); break; } // [45]-[54] 这 10 列上用来指定低温 // thermoLowTemp .{10} // [55]-[64] 这 10 列上指定高温 // thermoHighTemp .{10} // [65]-[72] 这 8 列上指定常温 // thermoCommonTemp .{8} currentLowT = stringToScalar(temperaturesString(0, 10)); // 这里是相对列数 currentHighT = stringToScalar(temperaturesString(10, 10)); currentCommonT = stringToScalar(temperaturesString(20, 8)); if (currentCommonT < SMALL) { currentCommonT = allCommonT; } // 每个数字限制15列 // thermoCoeff .{15} highCpCoeffs[0] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(0, 15)); highCpCoeffs[1] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(15, 15)); highCpCoeffs[2] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(30, 15)); highCpCoeffs[3] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(45, 15)); highCpCoeffs[4] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(60, 15)); highCpCoeffs[5] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(0, 15)); highCpCoeffs[6] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(15, 15)); lowCpCoeffs[0] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(30, 15)); lowCpCoeffs[1] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(45, 15)); lowCpCoeffs[2] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(60, 15)); lowCpCoeffs[3] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(0, 15)); lowCpCoeffs[4] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(15, 15)); lowCpCoeffs[5] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(30, 15)); lowCpCoeffs[6] = stringToScalar(thermoCoeffString(45, 15)); speciesThermo_.insert ( currentSpecieName, new gasHThermoPhysics ( janafThermo<perfectGas<specie>> ( specie ( currentSpecieName, 1.0, molecularWeight(currentSpecieComposition) ), currentLowT, currentHighT, currentCommonT, highCpCoeffs, lowCpCoeffs, true ), transportDict_.subDict(currentSpecieName) ) ); // Read reactions
构造 multiComponentMixture
的部分,调用 chemistryReader::speciesThermo()
这个纯虚函数。 它定义于 chemkinReader
,返回 HashPtrTable<gasHThermoPhysics> speciesThermo_;
构造 PtrList<Reaction<ThermoType>>
,通过复制 chemkinReader::reactions_
构造 speciesComposition_
,通过复制 chemkinReader::speciesComposition_
chemkinReader(chemistryReader 的派生类)中申明了一个反应列表:
ReactionList<gasHThermoPhysics> reactions_;
并且定义了接口 reactions()
读取机理文件后,在 chemkinReader::addReactionType
中 append
所有的 reactions_
在 StandardChemistryModel
中申明了反应的 list:
const ReactionList<ThermoType> reactions_;
StandardChemistryModel 的构造函数中:
reactions_ ( dynamic_cast <const reactingMixture<ThermoType>&>(this ->thermo ()) )
返回的是 BasicChemistryModel
中申明的 ReactionThermo& thermo_
,这里模板 ReactionThermo
的实例是 psiReactionThermo
由构造函数中的 thermo
中实际上包括了从机理文件读取的反应的 list,这里 reactions_
获取了反应 list 的引用。
中使用了 Reaction<ReactionThermo>::omega
const Reaction<ThermoType>& R = reactions_[ri];const scalar omegai = R.omega (pi, Ti, c_, pf, cf, lRef, pr, cr, rRef);
reactingFoam 中,创建了哪些和燃烧化学相关的对象呢?
autoPtr<psiReactionThermo> pThermo(psiReactionThermo::New(mesh)); psiReactionThermo& thermo = pThermo(); basicSpecieMixture& composition = thermo.composition(); PtrList<volScalarField>& Y = composition.Y(); autoPtr<CombustionModel<psiReactionThermo>> reaction ( CombustionModel<psiReactionThermo>::New(thermo, turbulence()) );
如何使用呢?在 YEqn.H
reaction->correct (); Qdot = reaction->Qdot ();
结合上边的 UML 图,这里的 reaction
的类型实际上是 laminar
。 函数 correct()
this ->chemistryPtr_->solve (this ->mesh ().time ().deltaTValue ());
其中的 chemistryPtr_
定义于 laminar
的基类 ChemistryCombustion
autoPtr<BasicChemistryModel<ReactionThermo>> chemistryPtr_;
BasicChemistryModel 中没有 solve 函数,为什么可以这样用呢:
this ->chemistryPtr_->solve (this ->mesh ().time ().deltaTValue ());
的构造函数中,初始化了 chemistryPtr_(BasicChemistryModel<ReactionThermo>::New(thermo))
。 而这个 New 函数返回的又是 basicChemistryModel::New
,这个 basicChemistryModel::New
函数才是真正的用于 RTS 的 Selector。
template <class ReactionThermo >Foam::autoPtr<Foam::BasicChemistryModel<ReactionThermo>> Foam::BasicChemistryModel<ReactionThermo>::New (ReactionThermo& thermo) { return basicChemistryModel::New<BasicChemistryModel<ReactionThermo>> ( thermo ); }
实际上是指向最底层的 basicChemistryModel
的指针,而 basicChemistryModel
中定义了 solve
template <class ReactionThermo >Foam::ChemistryCombustion<ReactionThermo>::ChemistryCombustion ( const word& modelType, ReactionThermo& thermo, const compressibleTurbulenceModel& turb, const word& combustionProperties ) : CombustionModel <ReactionThermo> ( modelType, thermo, turb, combustionProperties ), chemistryPtr_ (BasicChemistryModel<ReactionThermo>::New (thermo)) {}
即,通过 BasicChemistryModel
调用其派生类 StandardChemistryModel
中的 solve(const scalar deltaT)
。但是 BasicChemistryModel
中并没有定义这个 solve
函数,事实上,它是定义在基类 basicChemistryModel
然后在 StandardChemistryModel
中,这个 solve
又调用了同一 class
中的实际干活的另一个 solve(const DeltaTType& deltaT)
函数,在其中,调用了同一 class
的 5 参数的 solve
函数。5 参数的 solve
函数在 EulerImplicit
和 ode
中重新定义。所以这里的 reaction->correct()
因此,实际调用的是派生类 StandardChemistryModel::solve(const scalarField& deltaT)
。它返回的是实际干活的 solve 函数。
实际干活的 solve 函数:
template <class ReactionThermo , class ThermoType >template <class DeltaTType >Foam::scalar Foam::StandardChemistryModel<ReactionThermo, ThermoType>::solve ( const DeltaTType& deltaT ) { BasicChemistryModel<ReactionThermo>::correct (); scalar deltaTMin = great; if (!this ->chemistry_) { return deltaTMin; } tmp<volScalarField> trho (this ->thermo().rho()) ; const scalarField& rho = trho (); const scalarField& T = this ->thermo ().T (); const scalarField& p = this ->thermo ().p (); scalarField c0 (nSpecie_) ; forAll(rho, celli) { scalar Ti = T[celli]; if (Ti > Treact_) { const scalar rhoi = rho[celli]; scalar pi = p[celli]; for (label i=0 ; i<nSpecie_; i++) { c_[i] = rhoi*Y_[i][celli]/specieThermo_[i].W (); c0[i] = c_[i]; } scalar timeLeft = deltaT[celli]; while (timeLeft > small) { scalar dt = timeLeft; this ->solve (c_, Ti, pi, dt, this ->deltaTChem_[celli]); timeLeft -= dt; } deltaTMin = min (this ->deltaTChem_[celli], deltaTMin); this ->deltaTChem_[celli] = min (this ->deltaTChem_[celli], this ->deltaTChemMax_); for (label i=0 ; i<nSpecie_; i++) { RR_[i][celli] = (c_[i] - c0[i])*specieThermo_[i].W ()/deltaT[celli]; } } else { for (label i=0 ; i<nSpecie_; i++) { RR_[i][celli] = 0 ; } } } return deltaTMin; }
在其中,调用了 5 参数的 solve
函数。5 参数的 solve
函数在继承自 StandardChemistryModel
的 chemistrySolver
中被申明为纯虚函数,实际上在 EulerImplicit
和 ode
中重新定义。所以这里的 reaction->correct()
但是化学反应怎么求解的,本文还没有涉及到。 下面以 ode
传进来的数据有 摩尔浓度、压力、温度、dt、deltaTChem_。
template <class ChemistryModel >void Foam::ode<ChemistryModel>::solve ( scalarField& c, scalar& T, scalar& p, scalar& deltaT, scalar& subDeltaT ) const { if (odeSolver_->resize ()) { odeSolver_->resizeField (cTp_); } const label nSpecie = this ->nSpecie (); for (int i=0 ; i<nSpecie; i++) { cTp_[i] = c[i]; } cTp_[nSpecie] = T; cTp_[nSpecie+1 ] = p; odeSolver_->solve (0 , deltaT, cTp_, subDeltaT); for (int i=0 ; i<nSpecie; i++) { c[i] = max (0.0 , cTp_[i]); } T = cTp_[nSpecie]; p = cTp_[nSpecie+1 ]; }
中调用了 ODESolver::solve
ode 的 time split 体现在这里!!! //这里的 x 是指时间步进 void Foam::ODESolver::solve ( const scalar xStart, //实参=0 const scalar xEnd, // 实参=deltaT scalarField& y, // 实参=cTp_,通过该函数后,被更新 scalar& dxTry // 化学时间步长 ) const { stepState step(dxTry); scalar x = xStart; // x 从 0 开始 for (label nStep=0; nStep<maxSteps_; nStep++) // 这里是最大循环次数,但是中间可能退出循环 // maxSteps_(dict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxSteps", 10000)) // maxSteps 设置于 chemistryProperties/odeCoeffs 中,与 relTol 相同的位置 { // Store previous iteration dxTry scalar dxTry0 = step.dxTry; step.reject = false; // Check if this is a truncated step and set dxTry to integrate to xEnd if ((x + step.dxTry - xEnd)*(x + step.dxTry - xStart) > 0) { step.last = true; step.dxTry = xEnd - x; } // Integrate as far as possible up to step.dxTry solve(x, y, step); // 每调用一次,x 步进或步退 // Check if reached xEnd //即 x >= xEnd,有时候会超出! if ((x - xEnd)*(xEnd - xStart) >= 0) { if (nStep > 0 && step.last) { step.dxTry = dxTry0; } dxTry = step.dxTry; return; } step.first = false; // If the step.dxTry was reject set step.prevReject if (step.reject) { step.prevReject = true; } } FatalErrorInFunction << "Integration steps greater than maximum " << maxSteps_ << nl << " xStart = " << xStart << ", xEnd = " << xEnd << ", x = " << x << ", dxDid = " << step.dxDid << nl << " y = " << y << exit(FatalError); }
其中又调用了 solve(scalar& x, scalarField& y, stepState& step)
,这个函数在 ODESolver
和它的派生类 seulex
中都定义了,那么这里应该是调用的是派生类 seulex
void Foam::seulex::solve ( scalar& x, scalarField& y, stepState& step ) const { temp_[0 ] = great; scalar dx = step.dxTry; y0_ = y; dxOpt_[0 ] = mag (0.1 *dx); if (step.first || step.prevReject) { theta_ = 2 *jacRedo_; } if (step.first) { scalar logTol = -log10 (relTol_[0 ] + absTol_[0 ])*0.6 + 0.5 ; kTarg_ = max (1 , min (kMaxx_ - 1 , int (logTol))); } forAll(scale_, i) { scale_[i] = absTol_[i] + relTol_[i]*mag (y[i]); } bool jacUpdated = false ; if (theta_ > jacRedo_) { odes_.jacobian (x, y, dfdx_, dfdy_); jacUpdated = true ; } int k; scalar dxNew = mag (dx); bool firstk = true ; while (firstk || step.reject) { dx = step.forward ? dxNew : -dxNew; firstk = false ; step.reject = false ; if (mag (dx) <= mag (x)*sqr (small)) { WarningInFunction << "step size underflow :" << dx << endl; } scalar errOld = 0 ; for (k=0 ; k<=kTarg_+1 ; k++) { bool success = seul (x, y0_, dx, k, ySequence_, scale_); if (!success) { step.reject = true ; dxNew = mag (dx)*stepFactor5_; break ; } if (k == 0 ) { y = ySequence_; } else { forAll(ySequence_, i) { table_[k-1 ][i] = ySequence_[i]; } } if (k != 0 ) { extrapolate (k, table_, y); scalar err = 0 ; forAll(scale_, i) { scale_[i] = absTol_[i] + relTol_[i]*mag (y0_[i]); err += sqr ((y[i] - table_ (0 , i))/scale_[i]); } err = sqrt (err/n_); if (err > 1 /small || (k > 1 && err >= errOld)) { step.reject = true ; dxNew = mag (dx)*stepFactor5_; break ; } errOld = min (4 *err, 1 ); scalar expo = 1.0 /(k + 1 ); scalar facmin = pow (stepFactor3_, expo); scalar fac; if (err == 0 ) { fac = 1 /facmin; } else { fac = stepFactor2_/pow (err/stepFactor1_, expo); fac = max (facmin/stepFactor4_, min (1 /facmin, fac)); } dxOpt_[k] = mag (dx*fac); temp_[k] = cpu_[k]/dxOpt_[k]; if ((step.first || step.last) && err <= 1 ) { break ; } if ( k == kTarg_ - 1 && !step.prevReject && !step.first && !step.last ) { if (err <= 1 ) { break ; } else if (err > nSeq_[kTarg_]*nSeq_[kTarg_ + 1 ]*4 ) { step.reject = true ; kTarg_ = k; if (kTarg_>1 && temp_[k-1 ] < kFactor1_*temp_[k]) { kTarg_--; } dxNew = dxOpt_[kTarg_]; break ; } } if (k == kTarg_) { if (err <= 1 ) { break ; } else if (err > nSeq_[k + 1 ]*2 ) { step.reject = true ; if (kTarg_>1 && temp_[k-1 ] < kFactor1_*temp_[k]) { kTarg_--; } dxNew = dxOpt_[kTarg_]; break ; } } if (k == kTarg_+1 ) { if (err > 1 ) { step.reject = true ; if ( kTarg_ > 1 && temp_[kTarg_-1 ] < kFactor1_*temp_[kTarg_] ) { kTarg_--; } dxNew = dxOpt_[kTarg_]; } break ; } } } if (step.reject) { step.prevReject = true ; if (!jacUpdated) { theta_ = 2 *jacRedo_; if (theta_ > jacRedo_ && !jacUpdated) { odes_.jacobian (x, y, dfdx_, dfdy_); jacUpdated = true ; } } } } jacUpdated = false ; step.dxDid = dx; x += dx; label kopt; if (k == 1 ) { kopt = 2 ; } else if (k <= kTarg_) { kopt=k; if (temp_[k-1 ] < kFactor1_*temp_[k]) { kopt = k - 1 ; } else if (temp_[k] < kFactor2_*temp_[k - 1 ]) { kopt = min (k + 1 , kMaxx_ - 1 ); } } else { kopt = k - 1 ; if (k > 2 && temp_[k-2 ] < kFactor1_*temp_[k - 1 ]) { kopt = k - 2 ; } if (temp_[k] < kFactor2_*temp_[kopt]) { kopt = min (k, kMaxx_ - 1 ); } } if (step.prevReject) { kTarg_ = min (kopt, k); dxNew = min (mag (dx), dxOpt_[kTarg_]); step.prevReject = false ; } else { if (kopt <= k) { dxNew = dxOpt_[kopt]; } else { if (k < kTarg_ && temp_[k] < kFactor2_*temp_[k - 1 ]) { dxNew = dxOpt_[k]*cpu_[kopt + 1 ]/cpu_[k]; } else { dxNew = dxOpt_[k]*cpu_[kopt]/cpu_[k]; } } kTarg_ = kopt; } step.dxTry = step.forward ? dxNew : -dxNew; }
其中调用了 ODESystem::jacobian(x, y, dfdx_, dfdy_)
, seulex::seul
和 seulex::extrapolate
中调用了 ODESystem::derivatives
但是 ODESystem
中只定义了三个纯虚函数 nEqns
, derivatives
, jacobian
。 实际定义都在 StandardChemistryModel
中,因为 ODESystem
是 StandardChemistryModel
和 jacobian
template <class ReactionThermo , class ThermoType >void Foam::StandardChemistryModel<ReactionThermo, ThermoType>::derivatives ( const scalar time, const scalarField& c, scalarField& dcdt ) const { const scalar T = c[nSpecie_]; const scalar p = c[nSpecie_ + 1 ]; forAll(c_, i) { c_[i] = max (c[i], 0 ); } omega (c_, T, p, dcdt); scalar rho = 0 ; scalar cSum = 0 ; for (label i = 0 ; i < nSpecie_; i++) { const scalar W = specieThermo_[i].W (); cSum += c_[i]; rho += W*c_[i]; } scalar cp = 0 ; for (label i=0 ; i<nSpecie_; i++) { cp += c_[i]*specieThermo_[i].cp (p, T); } cp /= rho; scalar dT = 0 ; for (label i = 0 ; i < nSpecie_; i++) { const scalar hi = specieThermo_[i].ha (p, T); dT += hi*dcdt[i]; } dT /= rho*cp; dcdt[nSpecie_] = -dT; dcdt[nSpecie_ + 1 ] = 0 ; } template <class ReactionThermo , class ThermoType >void Foam::StandardChemistryModel<ReactionThermo, ThermoType>::jacobian ( const scalar t, const scalarField& c, scalarField& dcdt, scalarSquareMatrix& J ) const { const scalar T = c[nSpecie_]; const scalar p = c[nSpecie_ + 1 ]; forAll(c_, i) { c_[i] = max (c[i], 0 ); } J = Zero; dcdt = Zero; scalarField hi (nSpecie_) ; scalarField cpi (nSpecie_) ; for (label i = 0 ; i < nSpecie_; i++) { hi[i] = specieThermo_[i].ha (p, T); cpi[i] = specieThermo_[i].cp (p, T); } scalar omegaI = 0 ; List<label> dummy; forAll(reactions_, ri) { const Reaction<ThermoType>& R = reactions_[ri]; scalar kfwd, kbwd; R.dwdc (p, T, c_, J, dcdt, omegaI, kfwd, kbwd, false , dummy); R.dwdT (p, T, c_, omegaI, kfwd, kbwd, J, false , dummy, nSpecie_); } scalar cpMean = 0 ; scalar dcpdTMean = 0 ; for (label i=0 ; i<nSpecie_; i++) { cpMean += c_[i]*cpi[i]; dcpdTMean += c_[i]*specieThermo_[i].dcpdT (p, T); } scalar dTdt = 0.0 ; for (label i=0 ; i<nSpecie_; i++) { dTdt += hi[i]*dcdt[i]; } dTdt /= -cpMean; for (label i = 0 ; i < nSpecie_; i++) { J (nSpecie_, i) = 0 ; for (label j = 0 ; j < nSpecie_; j++) { J (nSpecie_, i) += hi[j]*J (j, i); } J (nSpecie_, i) += cpi[i]*dTdt; J (nSpecie_, i) /= -cpMean; } J (nSpecie_, nSpecie_) = 0 ; for (label i = 0 ; i < nSpecie_; i++) { J (nSpecie_, nSpecie_) += cpi[i]*dcdt[i] + hi[i]*J (i, nSpecie_); } J (nSpecie_, nSpecie_) += dTdt*dcpdTMean; J (nSpecie_, nSpecie_) /= -cpMean; J (nSpecie_, nSpecie_) += dTdt/T; }
OF 里的 ODE 功能: 给定当前的 c T p,计算得到 deltaT 之后新的浓度 c。 然后据此求解组分方程的源项:
for (label i=0 ; i<nSpecie_; i++){ RR_[i][celli] = (c_[i] - c0[i])*specieThermo_[i].W ()/deltaT[celli]; }
把 c T P 设为Φ \Phi Φ ,现在是已知Φ n \Phi_n Φ n ,要求Φ n + 1 \Phi_{n+1} Φ n + 1 。 我们可以根据化学反应来得到 dcdt 和 dTdt,即现在已知Φ ′ = ∂ Φ ∂ t = f ( Φ ) \Phi'=\dfrac{\partial \Phi}{\partial t}=f(\Phi) Φ ′ = ∂ t ∂ Φ = f ( Φ ) ,然后寻找合适的算法来求解Φ n + 1 \Phi_{n+1} Φ n + 1 。 最简单的方法就是Φ n + 1 = Φ n + h f ( Φ ) \Phi_{n+1}=\Phi_n + h f(\Phi) Φ n + 1 = Φ n + h f ( Φ ) ,f ( Φ ) f(\Phi) f ( Φ ) 是斜率,h 是时间间隔。 那么现有先进的求解方法,应该也是基于这个思想。 比如 RK 方法,就是把时间间隔 h 分为若干小段。
6 阶 RKy n + 1 = y n + h ( c 1 k 1 + c 2 k 2 + c 3 k 3 + c 4 k 4 + c 5 k 5 + c 6 k 6 ) y_{n+1}=y_n+h(c_1k_1+c_2k_2+c_3k_3+c_4k_4+c_5k_5+c_6k_6) y n + 1 = y n + h ( c 1 k 1 + c 2 k 2 + c 3 k 3 + c 4 k 4 + c 5 k 5 + c 6 k 6 )
k 1 = f ( t n , y n ) = d y d t k_1=f(t_n,y_n)=dydt k 1 = f ( t n , y n ) = d y d t
k 2 = f ( t n + a 2 h , y n + h b 21 k 1 ) k_2=f(t_n+a_2h,y_n+hb_{21}k_1) k 2 = f ( t n + a 2 h , y n + h b 2 1 k 1 )
k 3 = f ( t n + a 3 h , y n + h b 31 k 1 + h b 32 k 2 ) k_3=f(t_n+a_3h,y_n+hb_{31}k_1+hb_{32}k_2) k 3 = f ( t n + a 3 h , y n + h b 3 1 k 1 + h b 3 2 k 2 )
k 4 = f ( t n + a 4 h , y n + h b 41 k 1 + h b 42 k 2 + h b 43 k 3 ) k_4=f(t_n+a_4h,y_n+hb_{41}k_1+hb_{42}k_2+hb_{43}k_3) k 4 = f ( t n + a 4 h , y n + h b 4 1 k 1 + h b 4 2 k 2 + h b 4 3 k 3 )
k 5 = f ( t n + a 5 h , y n + h b 51 k 1 + h b 52 k 2 + h b 53 k 3 + h b 54 k 4 ) k_5=f(t_n+a_5h,y_n+hb_{51}k_1+hb_{52}k_2+hb_{53}k_3+hb_{54}k_4) k 5 = f ( t n + a 5 h , y n + h b 5 1 k 1 + h b 5 2 k 2 + h b 5 3 k 3 + h b 5 4 k 4 )
k 6 = f ( t n + a 6 h , y n + h b 6 k 1 + h b 62 k 2 + h b 63 k 3 + h b 64 k 4 + h b 65 k 5 ) k_6=f(t_n+a_6h,y_n+hb_{6}k_1+hb_{62}k_2+hb_{63}k_3+hb_{64}k_4+hb_{65}k_5) k 6 = f ( t n + a 6 h , y n + h b 6 k 1 + h b 6 2 k 2 + h b 6 3 k 3 + h b 6 4 k 4 + h b 6 5 k 5 )
OF-2.0.x 的代码,对应公式中的量:
代码中的变量 公式中的变量 ak2_
k 2 k_2 k 2 ak3_
k 3 k_3 k 3 ak4_
k 4 k_4 k 4 ak5_
k 5 k_5 k 5 ak6_
k 6 k_6 k 6 y
y n y_n y n yout
y n + 1 y_{n+1} y n + 1 dydx
k 1 k_1 k 1 第一个 yTemp_
y n + h b 21 k 1 y_n+hb_{21}k_1 y n + h b 2 1 k 1 第二个 yTemp_
y n + h b 31 k 1 + h b 32 k 2 y_n+hb_{31}k_1+hb_{32}k_2 y n + h b 3 1 k 1 + h b 3 2 k 2 第三个 yTemp_
y n + h b 41 k 1 + h b 42 k 2 + h b 43 k 3 y_n+hb_{41}k_1+hb_{42}k_2+hb_{43}k_3 y n + h b 4 1 k 1 + h b 4 2 k 2 + h b 4 3 k 3 第四个 yTemp_
y n + h b 51 k 1 + h b 52 k 2 + h b 53 k 3 + h b 54 k 4 y_n+hb_{51}k_1+hb_{52}k_2+hb_{53}k_3+hb_{54}k_4 y n + h b 5 1 k 1 + h b 5 2 k 2 + h b 5 3 k 3 + h b 5 4 k 4 第五个 yTemp_
y n + h b 61 k 1 + h b 62 k 2 + h b 63 k 3 + h b 64 k 4 + h b 65 k 5 y_n+hb_{61}k_1+hb_{62}k_2+hb_{63}k_3+hb_{64}k_4+hb_{65}k_5 y n + h b 6 1 k 1 + h b 6 2 k 2 + h b 6 3 k 3 + h b 6 4 k 4 + h b 6 5 k 5
代码中返回的是:y n + 1 = y n + h ( c 1 k 1 + c 3 k 3 + c 4 k 4 + c 6 k 6 ) y_{n+1}=y_n+h(c_1k_1+c_3k_3+c_4k_4+c_6k_6) y n + 1 = y n + h ( c 1 k 1 + c 3 k 3 + c 4 k 4 + c 6 k 6 ) ,只需要保证∑ c k = 1 \sum c_k =1 ∑ c k = 1 就行了。代码中刚好是相加为 1:
RK::c1 = 37.0 /378.0 , RK::c3 = 250.0 /621.0 , RK::c4 = 125.0 /594.0 , RK::c6 = 512.0 /1771.0 ,
其中的 dydx
即 derivatives,但是没有用到 Jacobian?这个RK确实没有用到 Jacobian,但是其他的 ODE 求解器用到了。
KRR4已知y ′ = f ( y ) y'=f(y) y ′ = f ( y ) ,我们这样得到y n + 1 = y n + h f ( y n + ) y_{n+1}=y_n+hf(y_{n+}) y n + 1 = y n + h f ( y n + )
y n + 1 = y n + h [ f ( y n ) + ∂ f ∂ y ∣ y n ( y n + 1 − y n ) ] y_{n+1}=y_n+h[f(y_n)+\dfrac{\partial f}{\partial y}|_{y_n}(y_{n+1}-y_n)] y n + 1 = y n + h [ f ( y n ) + ∂ y ∂ f ∣ y n ( y n + 1 − y n ) ]
y n + 1 = y h + h [ 1 − h ∂ f ∂ y ] − 1 ⋅ f ( y n ) y_{n+1}=y_h+h[1-h\dfrac{\partial f}{\partial y}]^{-1} \cdot f(y_n) y n + 1 = y h + h [ 1 − h ∂ y ∂ f ] − 1 ⋅ f ( y n )
y ( x 0 + h ) = y 0 + ∑ i = 1 s b i k i y(x_0+h)=y_0+\sum_{i=1}^s b_ik_i y ( x 0 + h ) = y 0 + ∑ i = 1 s b i k i
( 1 − γ h f ) k i = h f ( y 0 + ∑ j = 1 i − 1 α i j k j ) + h f ′ ⋅ ∑ j = 1 i − 1 γ i j k j , i = 1 , ⋯ , s (1-\gamma h f) k_i = h f(y_0+\sum_{j=1}^{i-1}\alpha_{ij}k_j)+h f' \cdot \sum_{j=1}^{i-1}\gamma_{ij}k_j, \quad i=1,\cdots,s ( 1 − γ h f ) k i = h f ( y 0 + ∑ j = 1 i − 1 α i j k j ) + h f ′ ⋅ ∑ j = 1 i − 1 γ i j k j , i = 1 , ⋯ , s
g i = ∑ j = 1 i − 1 γ i j k j + γ k i g_i=\sum_{j=1}^{i-1}\gamma_{ij}k_j+\gamma k_i g i = ∑ j = 1 i − 1 γ i j k j + γ k i
( 1 / γ h − f ′ ) ⋅ g 1 = f ( y 0 ) (1/\gamma h -f')\cdot g_1=f(y_0) ( 1 / γ h − f ′ ) ⋅ g 1 = f ( y 0 )
( 1 / γ h − f ′ ) ⋅ g 2 = f ( y 0 + a 21 g 1 ) + c 21 g 1 / h (1/\gamma h -f')\cdot g_2=f(y_0+a_{21}g_1)+c_{21}g_1/h ( 1 / γ h − f ′ ) ⋅ g 2 = f ( y 0 + a 2 1 g 1 ) + c 2 1 g 1 / h
( 1 / γ h − f ′ ) ⋅ g 3 = f ( y 0 + a 31 g 1 + a 32 g 2 ) + ( c 31 g 1 + c 32 g 2 ) / h (1/\gamma h -f')\cdot g_3=f(y_0+a_{31}g_1+a_{32}g_2)+(c_{31}g_1+c_{32}g_2)/h ( 1 / γ h − f ′ ) ⋅ g 3 = f ( y 0 + a 3 1 g 1 + a 3 2 g 2 ) + ( c 3 1 g 1 + c 3 2 g 2 ) / h
( 1 / γ h − f ′ ) ⋅ g 4 = f ( y 0 + a 41 g 1 + a 42 g 2 + a 43 g 3 ) + ( c 41 g 1 + c 42 g 2 + c 43 g 3 ) / h (1/\gamma h -f')\cdot g_4=f(y_0+a_{41}g_1+a_{42}g_2+a_{43}g_3)+(c_{41}g_1+c_{42}g_2+c_{43}g_3)/h ( 1 / γ h − f ′ ) ⋅ g 4 = f ( y 0 + a 4 1 g 1 + a 4 2 g 2 + a 4 3 g 3 ) + ( c 4 1 g 1 + c 4 2 g 2 + c 4 3 g 3 ) / h
OF-2.0.x 的代码,对应公式中的量:
代码中的变量 公式中的变量 dfdy_
f ′ f' f ′ dfdx_
∂ f ∂ x \dfrac{\partial f}{\partial x} ∂ x ∂ f g1_
g 1 g_1 g 1 g2_
g 2 g_2 g 2 g3_
g 3 g_3 g 3 g4_
g 4 g_4 g 4 c21
c 21 c_{21} c 2 1 c31
c 31 c_{31} c 3 1 c32
c 32 c_{32} c 3 2 c41
c 41 c_{41} c 4 1 c42
c 42 c_{42} c 4 2 c43
c 43 c_{43} c 4 3 a21
a 21 a_{21} a 2 1 a31
a 31 a_{31} a 3 1 a32
a 32 a_{32} a 3 2 b1
b 1 b1 b 1 b2
b 2 b2 b 2 b3
b 3 b3 b 3 b4
b 4 b4 b 4
KRR4::b1 = 19.0 /9.0 , KRR4::b2 = 1.0 /2.0 , KRR4::b3 = 25.0 /108.0 , KRR4::b4 = 125.0 /108.0 ,
化学 ODE 求解理论 OpenFOAM 代码对应的derivatives, size= nSpecie_ + 2
f = Φ i ′ = ∂ Φ ∂ t = { ∂ c 1 ∂ t , ∂ c 2 ∂ t , … , ∂ c N ∂ t , ∂ T ∂ t , ∂ p ∂ t } T f = {\Phi_i'}=\frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial t} = \left \lbrace \frac{\partial c_1}{\partial t}, \frac{\partial c_2}{\partial t}, \dotsc, \frac{\partial c_N}{\partial t}, \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}, \frac{\partial p}{\partial t} \right \rbrace^{\text{T}} f = Φ i ′ = ∂ t ∂ Φ = { ∂ t ∂ c 1 , ∂ t ∂ c 2 , … , ∂ t ∂ c N , ∂ t ∂ T , ∂ t ∂ p } T
∂ c k ∂ t = ω ˙ k k = 1 , … , N \frac{\partial c_k}{\partial t} = \dot{\omega}_k \quad k = 1, \dotsc, N ∂ t ∂ c k = ω ˙ k k = 1 , … , N
∂ T ∂ t = − 1 ρ c p ∑ k = 1 N h k ∂ c k ∂ t \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} = \frac{-1}{\rho c_p} \sum_{k=1}^{N} h_k \frac{\partial c_k}{\partial t} ∂ t ∂ T = ρ c p − 1 k = 1 ∑ N h k ∂ t ∂ c k
∂ p ∂ t = 0 \frac{\partial p}{\partial t} = 0 ∂ t ∂ p = 0
Jacobian, size= (nSpecie_+1)*(nSpecie+1)
J i , j = ∂ f i ∂ Φ j = ∂ Φ i ˙ ∂ Φ j \mathcal{J}_{i,j} = \frac{\partial f_i}{\partial \Phi_j} = \frac{\partial \dot{\Phi_i}}{\partial \Phi_j} J i , j = ∂ Φ j ∂ f i = ∂ Φ j ∂ Φ i ˙
[ ∂ c 1 ′ ∂ c 1 ∂ c 1 ′ ∂ c 2 … … ∂ c 1 ′ ∂ c N ∂ c 1 ′ ∂ T ∂ c 2 ′ ∂ c 1 ∂ c 2 ′ ∂ c 2 … … ∂ c 2 ′ ∂ c N ∂ c 2 ′ ∂ T ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ∂ c N ′ ∂ c 1 ∂ c N ′ ∂ c 2 … … ∂ c N ′ ∂ c N ∂ c N ′ ∂ T ∂ T ′ ∂ c 1 ∂ T ′ ∂ c 2 … … ∂ T ′ ∂ c N ∂ T ′ ∂ T ] \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} \dfrac{\partial {c_1'}}{\partial c_1} & \dfrac{\partial {c_1'}}{\partial c_2} & \ldots &\ldots& \dfrac{\partial {c_1'}}{\partial c_N} & \dfrac{\partial {c_1'}}{\partial T}\\ \dfrac{\partial {c_2'}}{\partial c_1} & \dfrac{\partial {c_2'}}{\partial c_2} & \ldots &\ldots& \dfrac{\partial {c_2'}}{\partial c_N} & \dfrac{\partial {c_2'}}{\partial T}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots && \vdots & \vdots \\ \vdots & \vdots & &\ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ \dfrac{\partial c_N'}{\partial c_1} & \dfrac{\partial c_N'}{\partial c_2} & \ldots&\ldots & \dfrac{\partial c_N'}{\partial c_N} & \dfrac{\partial {c_N'}}{\partial T}\\ \dfrac{\partial {T'}}{\partial c_1} & \dfrac{\partial {T'}}{\partial c_2} & \ldots&\ldots & \dfrac{\partial {T'}}{\partial c_N} & \dfrac{\partial {T'}}{\partial T} \end{array} \right] ⎣ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎡ ∂ c 1 ∂ c 1 ′ ∂ c 1 ∂ c 2 ′ ⋮ ⋮ ∂ c 1 ∂ c N ′ ∂ c 1 ∂ T ′ ∂ c 2 ∂ c 1 ′ ∂ c 2 ∂ c 2 ′ ⋮ ⋮ ∂ c 2 ∂ c N ′ ∂ c 2 ∂ T ′ … … ⋱ … … … … ⋱ … … ∂ c N ∂ c 1 ′ ∂ c N ∂ c 2 ′ ⋮ ⋮ ∂ c N ∂ c N ′ ∂ c N ∂ T ′ ∂ T ∂ c 1 ′ ∂ T ∂ c 2 ′ ⋮ ⋮ ∂ T ∂ c N ′ ∂ T ∂ T ′ ⎦ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎤
pyJac 中描述的:官方文档:http://slackha.github.io/pyJac/overview.html
待求解的量有:Φ = { T , Y 1 , Y 2 , … , Y N sp − 1 } T \Phi = \left \lbrace T, Y_1, Y_2, \dotsc, Y_{N_{\text{sp}} - 1} \right \rbrace^{\text{T}} Φ = { T , Y 1 , Y 2 , … , Y N sp − 1 } T
Y N sp = 1 − ∑ k = 1 N sp − 1 Y k Y_{N_{\text{sp}}} = 1 - \sum_{k=1}^{N_{\text{sp}} - 1} Y_k Y N sp = 1 − ∑ k = 1 N sp − 1 Y k
derivatives, size= nSpecie_
f = Φ i ′ = ∂ Φ ∂ t = { ∂ T ∂ t , ∂ Y 1 ∂ t , ∂ Y 2 ∂ t , … , ∂ Y N sp − 1 ∂ t } T f = {\Phi_i'}=\frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial t} = \left \lbrace \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}, \frac{\partial Y_1}{\partial t}, \frac{\partial Y_2}{\partial t}, \dotsc, \frac{\partial Y_{N_{\text{sp}} - 1}}{\partial t} \right \rbrace^{\text{T}} f = Φ i ′ = ∂ t ∂ Φ = { ∂ t ∂ T , ∂ t ∂ Y 1 , ∂ t ∂ Y 2 , … , ∂ t ∂ Y N sp − 1 } T
∂ T ∂ t = − 1 ρ c p ∑ k = 1 N sp h k W k ω ˙ k \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} = \frac{-1}{\rho c_p} \sum_{k=1}^{N_{\text{sp}}} h_k W_k \dot{\omega}_k ∂ t ∂ T = ρ c p − 1 k = 1 ∑ N sp h k W k ω ˙ k
∂ Y k ∂ t = 1 ρ W k ω ˙ k k = 1 , … , N sp − 1 \frac{\partial Y_k}{\partial t} = \frac{1}{\rho} W_k \dot{\omega}_k \quad k = 1, \dotsc, N_{\text{sp}} - 1 ∂ t ∂ Y k = ρ 1 W k ω ˙ k k = 1 , … , N sp − 1
Jacobian, size= nSpecie_*nSpecie_
J i , j = ∂ f i ∂ Φ j = ∂ Φ i ˙ ∂ Φ j \mathcal{J}_{i,j} = \frac{\partial f_i}{\partial \Phi_j} = \frac{\partial \dot{\Phi_i}}{\partial \Phi_j} J i , j = ∂ Φ j ∂ f i = ∂ Φ j ∂ Φ i ˙
[ ∂ T ′ ∂ T ∂ T ′ ∂ Y 1 … ∂ T ′ ∂ Y N sp − 1 ∂ Y 1 ′ ∂ T ∂ Y 1 ′ ∂ Y 1 … ∂ Y 1 ′ ∂ Y N sp − 1 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ∂ Y N sp − 1 ′ ∂ T ∂ Y N sp − 1 ′ ∂ Y 1 … ∂ Y N sp − 1 ′ ∂ Y N sp − 1 ] \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} \dfrac{\partial {T'}}{\partial T} & \dfrac{\partial {T'}}{\partial Y_1} & \ldots & \dfrac{\partial {T'}}{\partial Y_{N_{\text{sp}} - 1}} \\ \dfrac{\partial {Y_1'}}{\partial T} & \dfrac{\partial {Y_1'}}{\partial Y_1} & \ldots & \dfrac{\partial {Y_1'}}{\partial Y_{N_{\text{sp}} - 1}} \\ \vdots & & \ddots & \vdots \\ \dfrac{\partial {Y}'_{N_{\text{sp}} - 1}}{\partial T} & \dfrac{\partial {Y}'_{N_{\text{sp}} - 1}}{\partial Y_1} & \ldots & \dfrac{\partial {Y}'_{N_{\text{sp}} - 1}}{\partial Y_{N_{\text{sp}} - 1}} \end{array} \right] ⎣ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎡ ∂ T ∂ T ′ ∂ T ∂ Y 1 ′ ⋮ ∂ T ∂ Y N sp − 1 ′ ∂ Y 1 ∂ T ′ ∂ Y 1 ∂ Y 1 ′ ∂ Y 1 ∂ Y N sp − 1 ′ … … ⋱ … ∂ Y N sp − 1 ∂ T ′ ∂ Y N sp − 1 ∂ Y 1 ′ ⋮ ∂ Y N sp − 1 ∂ Y N sp − 1 ′ ⎦ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎤
中的函数 Qdot()
,在 laminar
实际定义,返回值是 this->chemistryPtr_->Qdot()
。因此跳转到了 BasicChemistryModel
类中,和上边的 solve
一样,它也是 basicChemistryModel
的纯虚函数,实际定义于 StandardChemistryModel
,返回值是一个 tmp<Foam::volScalarField>
forAll(Y_, i) { forAll(Qdot, celli) { const scalar hi = specieThermo_[i].Hc (); Qdot[celli] -= hi*RR_[i][celli]; } }
是该组分的化学焓(英文是 chemical enthalpy,又叫 formation enthalpy),公式是Δ h f , k 0 \Delta h^0_{f,k} Δ h f , k 0 ,它的计算见 janafThermoI.H 。另一篇博文正好给出了燃烧反应能量方程 ,其中显焓输运方程的反应源项,就是这里的 Qdot
函数 R(volScalarField& Y)
的返回值是 tmp<Foam::fvScalarMatrix>
,我对 matrix
。又来到了 BasicChemistryModel 类中,照旧,纯虚函数定义于 basicChemistryModel
,实际定义于 StandardChemistryModel
(在 StandardChemistryModelI.H 中定义),返回值是 RR_
,它的类型是 PtrList<volScalarField::Internal>
,代码中的描述是 List of reaction rate per specie [kg/m3/s]。
总结起来,就是在 solver 中,定义一个燃烧的对象:
autoPtr<CombustionModel<psiReactionThermo>> reaction ( CombustionModel<psiReactionThermo>::New (thermo, turbulence ()) );
然后在燃烧模型 ChemistryCombustion
里边,有一个化学模型的指针(Protected data,只能它自己或其派生类能够访问,它的对象不能访问)
autoPtr<BasicChemistryModel<ReactionThermo>> chemistryPtr_
所有关于化学的使用,都是通过它调用。比如求解化学反应方程,就是 reaction->correct()
。而这个 correct
this ->chemistryPtr_->solve (this ->mesh ().time ().deltaTValue ());
调用了化学模型里边的 solve
template <class ReactionThermo >Foam::ChemistryCombustion<ReactionThermo>::ChemistryCombustion ( const word& modelType, ReactionThermo& thermo, const compressibleTurbulenceModel& turb, const word& combustionProperties ) : CombustionModel <ReactionThermo> ( modelType, thermo, turb, combustionProperties ), chemistryPtr_ (BasicChemistryModel<ReactionThermo>::New (thermo)) {}
燃烧模型的构造函数里边,创建了化学模块的对象,传入了 thermo
OF-8 UML 类图首先给出 UML 图,右键在新标签页中打开链接,可以获得更好的阅读体验。
OF-8 UML 我猜测:ArrheniusReactionRate
也可以直接作为 ReversibleReaction
的模板,而不通过 FallOffReactionRate
的模板是 gasHThermoPhysics
的基类是 Foam::species::thermo
,全称是 Foam::species::thermo< Foam::janafThermo<Foam::perfectGas<Foam::specie>>, Foam::sensibleEnthalpy>
的模板是 Reaction
和 FallOffReactionRate
。而 FallOffReactionRate
的模板是 ArrheniusReactionRate
和 TroeFallOffFunction
的基类是 Reaction<gasHThermoPhysics>
机理文件怎么读取的? Reaction
等相关类的对象在哪里创建的?尝试解答: 在 StandardChemistryModel
中申明了反应的 list:
const ReactionList<ThermoType> reactions_;
reactions_ ( dynamic_cast <const multiComponentMixture<ThermoType>&>(this ->thermo ()).species (), specieThermo_, this ->mesh (), *this ),
调用的是 ReactionList 的构造函数
template <class ThermoType >Foam::ReactionList<ThermoType>::ReactionList ( const speciesTable& species, const PtrList<ThermoType>& speciesThermo, const objectRegistry& ob, const dictionary& dict ) { Reaction<ThermoType>::TlowDefault = dict.lookupOrDefault <scalar>("Tlow" , 0 ); Reaction<ThermoType>::ThighDefault = dict.lookupOrDefault <scalar>("Thigh" , great); const dictionary& reactions (dict.subDict("reactions" )) ; HashPtrTable<ThermoType> thermoDatabase; forAll(speciesThermo, i) { thermoDatabase.insert ( speciesThermo[i].name (), speciesThermo[i].clone ().ptr () ); } this ->setSize (reactions.size ()); label i = 0 ; forAllConstIter(dictionary, reactions, iter) { this ->set ( i++, Reaction<ThermoType>::New ( species, thermoDatabase, ob, reactions.subDict (iter ().keyword ()) ).ptr () ); } }
RTS declareRunTimeSelectionTable首先在源代码中全局搜索发现 declareRunTimeSelectionTable
函数在 CombustionModel.H
declareRunTimeSelectionTable ( autoPtr, CombustionModel, dictionary, ( const word& modelType, ReactionThermo& thermo, const compressibleTurbulenceModel& turb, const word& combustionProperties ), (modelType, thermo, turb, combustionProperties) );
而这个函数定义于 \src\OpenFOAM\db\runTimeSelection\construction\runTimeSelectionTables.H
#define declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr,baseType,argNames,argList,parList)\ typedef autoPtr<baseType> (*argNames##ConstructorPtr)argList; \ typedef HashTable<argNames##ConstructorPtr, word, string::hash> \ argNames##ConstructorTable; \ static argNames##ConstructorTable* argNames##ConstructorTablePtr_; \ static void construct##argNames##ConstructorTables(); \ template<class baseType##Type> \ class add##argNames##ConstructorToTable \ { \ public: \ static autoPtr<baseType> New argList \ { \ return autoPtr<baseType> (new baseType##Type parList); \ } \ \ add##argNames##ConstructorToTable \ ( \ const word& lookup = baseType##Type::typeName \ ) \ { \ construct##argNames##ConstructorTables(); \ argNames##ConstructorTablePtr_->insert(lookup, New); \ } \ }; \
定义一个函数指针,这样定义的结果是, dictionaryConstructorPtr
代表一个指向参数为 argList
,返回类型为 autoPtr< baseType>
的函数指针。 将一个 key 和 value 分别为 word
和 dictionaryConstructorPtr
的 HashTable
重命名为 argNames##ConstructorTable
,即 dictionaryConstructorTable
,并创建了一个以它为类型的指针 argNames##ConstructorTablePtr_
,即 dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_
。 申明一个类:add##argNames##ConstructorToTable
,即 adddictionaryConstructorToTable
,它需要模板 baseType##Type
,其中的 baseType
是 CombustionModel
。 类中定义了 New
是返回的 baseType##Type
的构造函数的形参列表。注意,这里调用了基类的构造函数 !!! 但是如果我们在派生类中创建这个 add 类的对象的话,它的模板则是派生类,就是说 New 函数的返回值是指向派生类对象基类指针。 在 add##argNames##ConstructorToTable
的构造函数中,向 dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_
中 insert
了一组 key and value: key 是 typeName
,vaule 是 返回 基类 autoPtr
的 New
函数。 defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTabledefineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable
函数被发现调用于 makeCombustionTypes.H
中的 makeCombustion
函数中。 而 makeCombustion
函数在 CombustionModels.C
makeCombustion (psiReactionThermo);
#define makeCombustion(Comp) \ \ typedef CombustionModel<Comp> CombustionModel##Comp; \ \ defineTemplateTypeNameAndDebugWithName \ ( \ CombustionModel##Comp, \ ( \ word(CombustionModel##Comp::typeName_()) + "<" + Comp::typeName \ + ">" \ ).c_str(), \ 0 \ ); \ \ defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable \ ( \ CombustionModel##Comp, \ dictionary \ );
首先 defineTemplateTypeNameAndDebugWithName
函数创建了一个 word
名字是 typeName
值是 Name
,即 laminar<psiReactionThermo>
其次是调用 defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable
函数,它定义于 \src\OpenFOAM\db\runTimeSelection\construction\runTimeSelectionTables.H
#define defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable(baseType,argNames) \ defineRunTimeSelectionTablePtr(baseType,argNames); \ defineRunTimeSelectionTableConstructor(baseType,argNames); \ defineRunTimeSelectionTableDestructor(baseType,argNames)
这里的 baseType
是 CombustionModel##psiReactionThermo
是 dictionary
。 包括三个宏函数,第一个函数定义了一个类型为 dictionary##ConstructorTable
(即 HashTable 的别名)的名字为 dictionary##ConstructorTablePtr_
#define defineRunTimeSelectionTablePtr(baseType,argNames) \ baseType::argNames##ConstructorTable* \ baseType::argNames##ConstructorTablePtr_ = nullptr
第二个函数定义了一个函数,名为 constructdictionaryConstructorTables()
,作用是创建了一个类型为 dictionaryConstructorTable
,名字为 dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_
#define defineRunTimeSelectionTableConstructor(baseType,argNames) \ void baseType::construct##argNames##ConstructorTables() \ { \ baseType::argNames##ConstructorTablePtr_ \ = new baseType::argNames##ConstructorTable; \ }
第三个函数定义了一个函数(后来在 add##argNames##ConstructorToTable
的析构函数中被调用),名字是 destroydictionaryConstructorTables()
Info<< "Creating reaction model\n" << endl; autoPtr<CombustionModel<psiReactionThermo>> reaction ( CombustionModel<psiReactionThermo>::New (thermo, turbulence ()) );
调用的是 CombustionModel
中的 New
static autoPtr<CombustionModel> New ( ReactionThermo& thermo, const compressibleTurbulenceModel& turb, const word& combustionProperties=combustionPropertiesName ) ;
定义于它的 C 文件中,返回类型是 autoPtr<CombustionModel>
需要一个模板,我们给它的是 psiReactionThermo
template <class ReactionThermo >Foam::autoPtr<Foam::CombustionModel<ReactionThermo>> Foam::CombustionModel<ReactionThermo>::New ( ReactionThermo& thermo, const compressibleTurbulenceModel& turb, const word& combustionProperties ) { return combustionModel::New<CombustionModel<ReactionThermo>> ( thermo, turb, combustionProperties ); }
调用了它的基类 combustionModel(但没有在 C 文件中定义)的 New 函数:
template <class CombustionModel> static autoPtr<CombustionModel> New ( typename CombustionModel::reactionThermo& thermo, const compressibleTurbulenceModel& turb, const word& combustionProperties ) ;
上边这个 New 函数发现是在 combustionModelTemplates.C
中定义的。 这里的 CombustionModel
就是 CombustionModel
是它的模板 ReactionThermo
,我们在这里指定它为 psiReactionThermo
template <class CombustionModel >Foam::autoPtr<CombustionModel> Foam::combustionModel::New ( typename CombustionModel::reactionThermo& thermo, const compressibleTurbulenceModel& turb, const word& combustionProperties ) { word combModelName ("none" ) ; IOdictionary (combIO).lookup ("combustionModel" ) >> combModelName; Info<< "Selecting combustion model " << combModelName << endl; typedef typename CombustionModel::dictionaryConstructorTable cstrTableType; cstrTableType* cstrTable = CombustionModel::dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_; const word compCombModelName = combModelName + '<' + CombustionModel::reactionThermo::typeName + '>' ; const word thermoCombModelName = combModelName + '<' + CombustionModel::reactionThermo::typeName + ',' + thermo.thermoName () + '>' ; typename cstrTableType::iterator compCstrIter = cstrTable->find (compCombModelName); typename cstrTableType::iterator thermoCstrIter = cstrTable->find (thermoCombModelName); return autoPtr <CombustionModel> ( thermoCstrIter != cstrTable->end () ? thermoCstrIter ()(combModelName, thermo, turb, combustionProperties) : compCstrIter ()(combModelName, thermo, turb, combustionProperties) ); }
,它是在 declareRunTimeSelectionTable
typedef HashTable<argNames##ConstructorPtr, word, string::hash> argNames##ConstructorTable;
因为是在 CombustionModel.H
中调用的 declareRunTimeSelectionTable
,于是 CombustionModel::dictionaryConstructorTable
laminars.CmakeCombustionTypes (laminar, psiReactionThermo);
而这个函数定义于 makeCombustionTypes.H:
#define makeCombustionTypes(CombModel, Comp) \ \ typedef combustionModels::CombModel<Comp> CombModel##Comp; \ \ defineTemplateTypeNameAndDebugWithName \ ( \ CombModel##Comp, \ ( \ word(CombModel##Comp::typeName_()) + "<" + Comp::typeName + ">" \ ).c_str(), \ 0 \ ); \ \ CombustionModel<Comp> :: \ add##dictionary##ConstructorToTable<CombModel##Comp> \ add##CombModel##Comp##dictionary##ConstructorTo##CombustionModel##Comp\ ##Table_;
CombModel 是 laminar,Comp 是 psiReactionThermo 将 combustionModels::laminar<psiReactionThermo>
重命名为 laminar##psiReactionThermo
。 在 CombustionModel<psiReactionThermo>
的命名空间下, 创建了类型为 adddictionaryConstructorToTable<laminar##psiReactionThermo>
的对象。于是在这里调用了 adddictionaryConstructorToTable
的构造函数!!!倒退至前边所述,这个构造函数中调用了 constructdictionaryConstructorTables()
,作用是给 dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_
new 一个对象,类型是 dictionaryConstructorTable
,即 HashTable
insert 了 New 函数: 这个函数 new
了一个对象,并将其绑定至基类的指针,该对象的类型是 baseType##Type
,即 add
这个类的模板的类型,而我们在这里给它的模板是 laminar##psiReactionThermo。就是说,我们在派生类中创建add这个类的对象时,同时向哈希表中插入了一组key and value,即派生类的typeName和返回指向派生类对象的基类指针的New函数!
创建了一个哈希表的指针 argNames##ConstructorTablePtr_
,但是没有给它分配对象。只有当创建第一个 add##argNames##ConstructorToTable<baseType##Type>
对象时,才会 new
(申明于 declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr,baseType,argNames,argList,parList)
)。 此外,创建每个 add##argNames##ConstructorToTable<baseType##Type>
对象时,都会调用它的构造函数,该构造函数数向 argNames##ConstructorTablePtr_
插入一组 key and value:baseType##Type::typeName
和 New
函数。 说起这个 New
函数,那就大有来头,它返回基类指针,但是指向的对象类型是 baseType##Type
这个类的模板。 我们经常在派生类中创建一个 add
中的 makeCombustionTypes
CombustionModel<Comp>::add##dictionary##ConstructorToTable<CombModel##Comp> add##CombModel##Comp##dictionary##ConstructorTo##CombustionModel##Comp##Table_;
模板是 laminar##psiReactionThermo
,即往哈希表中插入的 New
函数,返回值是基类指针,指向的是 laminar##psiReactionThermo